401 Weston Road
Hot Springs, AR 71913
Phone (501) 760-3336
E-mail: hsas77@hotmail.com
Website: www.hotspringsadventistschool.com
Owned and Operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Table of Contents
BOARD MEMBERS, FACULTY, AND STAFF............................................................................................................... 4
PHILOSOPHY............................................................................................................................................................ 5
MISSION STATEMENT............................................................................................................................................... 5
ABOUT ADVENTIST EDUCATION.............................................................................................................................. 6
ADMISSION............................................................................................................................................................... 7
FINANCIAL INFORMATION........................................................................................................................................ 8
ACADEMICS.............................................................................................................................................................. 9
THE SCHOOL DAY................................................................................................................................................... 11
SCHOOL POLICIES.................................................................................................................................................. 12
HEALTH-RELATED ISSUES...................................................................................................................................... 13
PARENT-TEACHER RELATIONS............................................................................................................................... 14
STUDENT CONDUCT................................................................................................................................................ 15
DRESS CODE POLICY.............................................................................................................................................. 18
MISCELLANEOUS..................................................................................................................................................... 20
Appendix A................................................................................................................................................................ 22
HISTORY OF THE HOT SPRINGS ADVENTIST SCHOOL.......................................................................................... 22
Appendix B................................................................................................................................................................ 23
ARKLA SDA CONFERENCE K-12 COMPLAINT PROCEDURE...................................................................................23
(FOR STUDENTS, PARENTS AND SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS)............................................................................. 23
Appendix C................................................................................................................................................................ 25
Appendix D................................................................................................................................................................ 26
CHILD ABUSE/NEGLECT.......................................................................................................................................... 26
Appendix E................................................................................................................................................................ 28
REPORTING AND INVESTIGATION OF CHILD MALTREATMENT................................................................................28
“Train a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not turn from it.”
Proverbs 22:6
This handbook has been prepared to help you learn more about Hot Springs Adventist School. We are committed to regular and open communication with every family that partners with our school in educating their child.
At Hot Springs Adventist School we:
At Hot Springs Adventist School we believe each student has:
*Pereira, Regan
Principal; Teacher, Grades 3-8
Phone: 501-760-3336
GREEN, Barbara
Office Manager
Phone: 501-617-2139
RAY, Jan
Teacher, Grades K-4
Phone: 903-245-5689
*RIOZA, Vickie (21)
Home and School Leader
Phone: 501-304-3903
*School Board Member
The purpose of Hot Springs Adventist School is to create a learning environment that provides opportunities for students to accept Christ as their Savior, to allow the Holy Spirit to transform their lives, and to equip them for Christian service.
Spiritual development permeates all aspects of the school’s program for the mental, physical, and social development of its students.
Mental development is fostered through an academic program that enables students to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to function in modern society. Mental development is manifested in intellectual processes of critical thinking, creativity and intellectual curiosity.
Physical development is fostered through a program that builds strengths, develops stamina and refines coordination. The value of healthful living and the dignity of labor are also emphasized.
Social development is fostered through activities that provide opportunities for effective interpersonal skills, unselfish service to God and man, and appropriate use of leisure time. Each student, created in God’s image, is unique and of inestimable value.
Together with the home and the church, Hot Springs Adventist School encourages students to develop moral values based upon Biblical principles and to practice a life of faith in God.
The Hot Springs Seventh-day Adventist School family exists to show children Jesus, nurture their love for Him and others, teach them to think, and empower them to serve.
Seventh-day Adventist Education:
Hot Springs Adventist School is accredited with the Arkansas/Louisiana Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (SDA) and the Accrediting Association of Seventh-day Adventist Schools, Colleges, and Universities.
Multi-cultural Education Policy
It is the policy of Hot Springs Adventist School to utilize the resources of curriculum, instruction, in-service, counseling, and guidance to reflect the racial, ethnic, language, and cultural heritage of both historical and modern-day United States of America by observing the following objectives:
School Operating Committee
Hot Springs Adventist School is owned by the Arkansas/Louisiana Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and is operated by the Hot Springs Seventh-day Adventist Church under the auspices, and in harmony with, the policies of the Southwestern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
The School Board is comprised of representatives from the church and meets monthly to review operation and to formulate plans for continued growth. Hot Springs Adventist School is continually working to enrich its educational program.
Starting Age
Students entering Kindergarten must be five years old on or before September 1st. Children entering first grade must be six years old on or before September 1st.
Any exceptions to these guidelines must be approved by the School Board.
Non-discrimination Policy
Hot Springs Adventist School admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin, or religious background to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, or religious background in administration of its educational policies, administration policies, and other school-administered programs.
Hot Springs Adventist School does not admit individuals who engage in sexual misconduct, which includes non-marital sexual conduct, homosexual conduct, or the encouragement or advocacy of any form of sexual behavior that would undermine the Christian identity or faith mission of Hot Springs Adventist School and the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Students are expected to register in advance of the first day of school or on the announced registration date. Registration is complete when all fees are paid, the financial agreement is signed, and registration forms are approved. Registration packets can be obtained at the office.
New students must submit a formal application to enter any of the grades offered by completing the appropriate application forms.
Admission is based on the following satisfactory evidence:
(Note: Students having an unpaid account with Hot Springs Adventist School, or other Adventist schools, will not be permitted to register until clearance has been obtained from that school’s administration).
The School reserves the right to give entrance and qualifying tests as deemed advisable. The results of such tests may be used in placing a student in a study program where they may do their best work.
Medical Examinations
Students entering Kindergarten, 5th grade, and all new students must submit evidence of a medical examination within the first 60 days of enrolling at Hot Springs Adventist School. Forms for this are available in the school office. The school will accept physicals dated within the six months before the start of school.
State law requires that all students must present an immunization record indicating the date and type of immunization received. This record must be signed by a licensed physician or an authorized public health representative. The immunization record must be submitted on or before the first day the child is in attendance. Exemptions to this law may be applied for through the Garland County Health Department. It is important to note, however, that the Seventh-day Adventist denomination does not conscientiously object to immunizations.
Financial Arrangements
Before a student is enrolled in Hot Springs Adventist School, a parent or guardian must accept financial responsibility for the student by signing an agreement stating that the account will be paid on a regular basis.
Tuition Rates & Payment Policy
A Financial Information Sheet for the current academic year is available in the school office.
Payment Plans
Tuition may be paid on a per-month basis for 10 months (Aug-May).
Tuition may also be paid for the year in advance.
Tuition is charged in advance each month beginning with the August payment and ending with the May payment. Statements are sent to the home each month. Payments are due the 10th of each month.
Accounts are considered late if not paid by the 15th of the month. If late accounts are not taken care of by the 30th of the month (or satisfactory arrangements made with the Principal and/or School Treasurer), the student may be suspended from classes until such payment or arrangements are received.
For convenience in paying tuition charges, there is a locked black box just outside the office door.
Family Discount
Families with two or more students receive a discount off the additional student’s total tuition (excludes registration fees).
Returned Checks
There is a fee of $25 for each returned check.
Diplomas & Transcripts
Diplomas, transcripts, grades, or official documents are released when the student’s account is paid in full.
Scholastic Standards
High scholastic standards are essential for an education that will help prepare our children for life in an increasingly complex world. HSAS is committed to providing the best teaching tools and the most effective methods to enrich the lives of the students who attend our school. Our academic program meets or exceeds the educational requirements of the Department of Education of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
Students are expected to turn in assignments on time. Students should not waste time at school with the excuse that they will do the work at home.
Progress Reports
Each student’s graded papers will be sent home every other Friday with a current progress report. The progress report includes missing, incomplete, or unsatisfactory work submitted by the student. Parents should review their child’s report card and graded papers. In case there is a question on the completion of their schoolwork, students and parents are encouraged to talk to their classroom teacher.
Report Cards
To keep parents informed of their child’s scholastic achievement, academic progress reports (report cards) are issued at the end of each nine-week grading period. Parents may expect an interim report midway through the nine weeks period. Final report cards are mailed when financial accounts are current.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
A minimum of two scheduled parent/teacher conferences will be held during the school year. Appointments for these conferences are arranged with the teacher. Additional parent/teacher conferences may be arranged at any time.
Standardized Testing
Students in Grades K-8 take the NWEA Assessment each September, January, and April. The results of these tests serve as an evaluative and diagnostic tool for the teacher and parent.
Acceleration to the Next Grade
In harmony with the Arkansas/Louisiana Conference Code Policy, criteria for advanced placement of a student are based on the following minimum requirements.
Eighth-Grade Graduation
To be eligible to receive a regular diploma and participate in graduation exercises, eighth-grade students must successfully complete all of their course work. In addition, all financial obligations to the school must be paid in full. An appeal may be presented to the Finance Committee thirty days prior to graduation to consider extenuating circumstances that may require the school to extend financial credit beyond the end of the school year.
Hot Springs Adventist School manages student records in harmony with the guidelines of the Federal Rights and Privacy Act. The basic policies are summarized in the following paragraphs.
Enrolled students of Hot Springs Adventist School and parents (including legal guardian) of non-collegiate students under 19 years of age may inspect their official records upon request to school officials. The request must be granted within a period of 45 days from the time the request was made. Only the student, parents (including legal guardian) of non-college students of 19 years of age, school officers, record keepers, or other administrators, teachers, and others whom the officers have determined have legitimate educational interests, may have access rights to an official student record.
The student, parents or guardian, or other eligible persons must submit in writing a request to review the records or to have the records released to another individual or agency. A copy of the request shall remain on file in the student’s educational records. Information from educational records may be released to appropriate persons in connection with emergencies (i.e. protecting health/safety of a student or other persons).
Hot Springs Adventist School reserves the right to release information to authorized agencies or individuals, which includes the following: the student’s name, names of parents, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, gender, participation in officially recognized activities, dates of attendance, and degrees and awards received.
Additional information about policies and procedures pertaining to student records may be obtained by contacting the school administration office.
School Hours
The school day is from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Monday through Thursday. School begins at 8:00 a.m. and dismisses at 2:00 p.m. on Fridays.
Arrival and Departure
For the protection of the children and staff, students will be released only to a parent and/or guardian or other person authorized by the parent/guardian on the application. Please call the school office to alert the staff if someone other than normal will be picking up your child. This individual will need a signed note from the parent and picture identification to pick up a student.
Students may be dropped off at the front door. Kindergarten parents are encouraged to bring in and take out their child from the building.
Closed Campus
Hot Springs Adventist School maintains a closed campus. This means that when students arrive on campus they are to stay on campus until leaving for the day. Exceptions include field trips and emergencies. In an emergency a parent may grant permission to leave campus by calling the office.
Every pupil is expected to attend school punctually and regularly. Students are expected to arrive no earlier than 7:30 a.m. and leave no more than 30 minutes after school is dismissed.
Absences/Make-up Work
Reasons for excused absences include sickness, attendance at a funeral, doctor appointments, emergency family situations, and/or pre-arranged family trips. The parent is expected to notify the school by 8:30 a.m. when a student is going to be absent, and a written reason for the absence is required the day the student returns to school. A doctor’s note will be required for sicknesses lasting longer than 3 days.
Work that is missed due to excused absences must be made up at a time that does not conflict with the current day’s work/assignments. Students are given one day per absence to make up all of their work. Any work not made up on time will lose credit.
All other absences will be considered unexcused absences. Unapproved unexcused absences will result in a zero for the work missed. No assignments, quizzes, or tests may be made up.
Absence Policy
Attendance records are a part of the permanent grade report and student file. School is in session 180 days during the year.
Total absences cannot exceed 21 total days without discipline from the HSAS School Board.
Inclement Weather
Threatening or inclement weather will occasionally necessitate the closing of school. In the event that school is delayed or cancelled for any reason, all parents will be called or texted by the principal or the student’s classroom teacher.
Please note that we do NOT always cancel school when the public schools are closed.
However, in the event of inclement weather you feel that it is unsafe for you to attempt to bring your child to school, please stay at home. The absence will be considered excused, but will still count as part of the 21 total absences allowed.
Telephone Calls
Students will not be called out of classes for telephone calls except in emergencies. The office will relay messages in a manner that allows full use of class instructional time.
Cell Phone Use
Students are not allowed to use cell phones during school hours. Any student who brings a cell phone to school must keep it turned off and in their backpack. If any student is found or reported to be using their cell phone during school hours (i.e. going to the bathroom and making calls or texting), the cell phone will be immediately confiscated and only returned directly to a parent/guardian.
Fire and Severe Weather Drills
The school personnel conduct monthly fire, severe weather, and lockdown drills. A Fire Emergency and Severe Weather Alert Plan is posted in all rooms which includes evacuation routes. Records are kept of each emergency drill conducted.
Hot Lunches
A vegetarian hot lunch will periodically be available for sale to grades K-8. Hot lunch meals cost $4.50 per meal. Dates will be announced and are subject to change.
Menus for hot lunch are provided weekly. The money for hot lunch must be paid at the beginning of each week.
Seventh-day Adventists advocate a diet that parallels God’s original diet of fruits, grains, nuts and vegetables. Because of this emphasis on a healthy diet, parents are asked to provide an adequate, wholesome lunch for their children. Sweets and junk foods are discouraged. Caffeinated drinks and/or foods that contain pork are not allowed. If you have questions regarding appropriate types of foods to send in your child’s lunch, please ask. We want to help and can share suggested menus with you.
Because of sanitary reasons and vast differences in families’ dietary habits, students are not allowed to share their lunches with each other.
NOTE: No glass water bottles are to be brought to school. Students may, however, reheat food in the microwave in a glass container.
In any group situation the exposure to germs is increased. Therefore, your child will not be able to stay at school and must be picked up by a parent/guardian immediately if they exhibit any of the following symptoms:
Your child must not be brought to school when ill or exhibiting any of the following symptoms:
All medications, prescription or nonprescription, will be locked up in the school office. Students are not allowed to have any types of medication on their person. School personnel are not permitted to give a student any prescription medication unless it is a prescription given by a doctor, has a current date, the child’s name, and dosing directions printed on the label, and with a signed note with directions from a parent.
Occasionally, when all efforts to reach the parent/guardian fail, it may be necessary to administer a fever reducer/pain reliever specified and authorized by the parent/guardian at the time of enrollment. Parent/Guardian will be required to sign a permission form at the time of enrollment.
In case of serious emergencies, due to accident, sickness, or otherwise, the school will attempt to contact the parent or guardian of the child involved. If the parent/guardian cannot be contacted, an attempt will be made to call other emergency numbers designated by the parent/guardian at registration.
However, if the parent cannot be reached, and in the judgment of the staff immediate medical attention is necessary, a member of the staff will summon or take the child to receive medical aid.
If your child is taken to the emergency room, neither Hot Springs Adventist School, not the school principal, nor any staff member assumes any financial obligation for the care and/or treatment by a doctor, hospital, or ambulance.
At registration, each parent/guardian must complete an emergency medical release. The name of the child's physician and the address and telephone number of the doctor's office should be listed. This gives the school permission, if needed, to take the child to the nearest emergency medical facility. Please be assured your child will be carefully monitored and comforted. The school will complete an accident form. The report will be kept in your child’s file at the school.
In case of disasters, such as a flood or violent storms, the children will remain in the school or relocate to a location advised by the authorities. A sign will be placed on the front door of the school to advise you of the location if we are forced to relocate.
The success of the school depends in a large measure upon the fullest cooperation between parents, teachers and students. A child's success in school is, to a large degree, influenced by the parents’ relationships and attitudes toward the school, its staff, and the program of the school. The involvement and support of the parents is vital.
The following suggestions for parental involvement will contribute to a more effective school program.
Home & School
Through the Home and School Association, the parents may acquaint themselves with the school’s objectives, ideals, and its overall purpose.
Parents and interested individuals are heartily encouraged to attend and participate in the Home and School meetings and activities scheduled throughout the year.
Complaint Procedure
By working together, parents, teachers, and students can avoid and resolve problems. If misunderstandings and/or problems arise between teachers, principal, and/or parents, it is very important that it be dealt with quickly and in a Christ-like fashion.
When a parent hears a report, a criticism or a complaint made by a student or fellow parents, he/she is encouraged to notify the administration in matters of this kind and withhold judgment until a thorough and proper investigation can be made.
Please refer to the Complaint Procedure in Appendix B for information on the specific details for handling a concern or complaint.
The aim of the administration and staff of Hot Springs Adventist School is for each student to have a true knowledge of God, a desire to please Him, and to develop Christian character. The basic principle of behavioral standards comes from the Scriptures. “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things” (Philippians 4:8).
Students are expected to show respect to the principal, the teachers, all paid or volunteer school staff members, and their fellow students.
Hot Springs Adventist School operates on Christian ideals and principles. Every student indicates by their presence that they will abide by the ideals and principles set forth by the teacher throughout the school year. At its core, discipline is a method of counseling, following a prescribed set of guidelines, designed to help the student develop and exercise self-control, and to stimulate oneself to accept the responsibilities of one’s actions.
Some practices cannot be tolerated at school or at school sponsored functions. Since HSAS would not knowingly admit a student who offends in these practices, the first offense on any of these fundamental points makes the student liable to serious discipline or dismissal.
The Aim of Discipline: It is the chief aim of the school to help students develop high standards of behavior and to provide a firm foundation for a Christ-like character. In keeping with this aim, the school expects high moral standards, and sets before its students expected principles and ideals. In the process of character development, there are times when it will be necessary to take disciplinary action using proper and effective management in a cooperative venture of the home and the school.
Level One Violations:
The classroom teacher will manage Level 1 Violations by giving the student one verbal warning regarding their disobedience of the rules. If this measure is effective no further action will be taken. If other disciplinary action seems necessary, the following steps will be taken:
STEP 2: Student must complete a discipline worksheet
STEP 3: Parents will be notified and student will complete a 30-minute after-school detention
STEP 4: Teacher-parent-student meeting
STEP 5: Referral to HSAS School Board for additional discipline
Level Two Violations:
The Teacher, in conjunction with the Principal, if needed, will manage Level Two Violations. No verbal warnings will be given. The student will be sent to the office and complete a discipline worksheet before returning to class. If this measure is effective no further action will be taken. If other disciplinary action seems necessary, the following steps will be taken:
STEP 3: Parents will be notified and the student will complete a 30-minute after-school detention
Parents will receive a written record of the offense
STEP 4: Teacher-parent-student meeting
Students must sign a behavior contract before returning to school
STEP 5: Referral to HSAS School Board for additional discipline
Level Three Violations:
The Principal and School Board will manage Level Three violations. Typical correctional penalties include, but may not be limited to:
In all of the above process, the principal and staff will strive to remain consistent and firm, but loving. This discipline policy is designed to give the student every chance to resolve a problem.
It is Hot Springs Adventist School’s desire to project a positive, Christian, image on campus and in the community. The principles that guide our dress code are standards of excellence that encourage modesty and simplicity.
Reasons for the Policy
HSAS students are required to follow the dress code guidelines while on campus, at school functions, and on school sponsored trips unless specific instructions are given to indicate an exception. Students will be excluded from class or school functions unless their attire meets expectations.
Pants, Skirts, Skorts, Shorts
Unprinted Regulations
All regulations adopted by the School Board and communicated to the parents/students in written form have the same authority as those published in this handbook.
Visitors are welcome on campus but are required to stop by the office to check in and to obtain permission to visit the classrooms.
Birthdays and Holidays
Birthdays and holidays are very special times in a child’s life. We encourage you to make birthdays memorable for your child. If a special treat is desired, please make advance arrangements with the teacher. Celebrations will be held during lunch times only.
If you will be celebrating your child’s birthday outside the school and would like to invite children from your child’s class, please DO NOT pass invitations out in class unless you plan to include every child.
Swings are not to be twisted and “bailing out” is not allowed for safety reasons. Skateboards, rip sticks, scooters, and rollerblades are not permitted on school property at any time due to insurance requirements.
Field Trips
We at Hot Springs Adventist School know that a child learns best by experiencing things for themselves, which is why we think field trips are so important. Each class takes field trips into the community and its surrounding area each year at the discretion of the teacher.
Field trip transportation will be provided for any special activities. Any vehicle used will be in proper working condition and be properly insured and licensed. All staff and volunteers who drive vehicles for field trips are required to have $100,000/$300,000 vehicle compensation insurance. A copy of this insurance, and a copy of the current driver’s license, is to be on file for each driver.
While in a vehicle, all children will be secured with an age appropriate, approved restraint device. There shall be a seating space for each child.
No child will be allowed on a field trip without the signed Permission and Consent to Treatment form.
We will provide advance notice before any special event or field trip. Staff member(s) trained in First Aid and CPR will accompany the children on the field trip.
When requested to do so, each child and staff member will wear a Hot Springs Adventist School t-shirt for a given field trip so everyone can be identified as a group member.
Student Accident Insurance
Each student is covered by student accident insurance. The insurance will pay the first $200.00 for treatment, at which point, the parent's insurance takes over. If the parent does not have insurance, the student accident insurance will pay an additional limited amount.
School Property
Students are expected to care for all school property as though it belonged to them and their parents, remembering that it has been dedicated to God for use in His institution. In the event of damaged property, repair or replacement, the situation will be handled on an individual basis. A fine will be imposed for defacing school property, including lost textbooks. The cost to repair or replace damages to school furniture, the building, or school-owned books will be paid by the student causing undue wear and tear of the property.
Asbestos Free
The Hot Springs Adventist School is certified asbestos free.
Child Abuse/Neglect
Child abuse and neglect means the physical or mental injury, sexual abuse, negligent treatment, or maltreatment of a child under the age of eighteen by a person who is responsible for the child’s welfare under circumstances that indicate the child’s health or welfare is harmed or threatened thereby.
As required by law any suspected case of child abuse/neglect--physical, emotional, or sexual will be reported to the authorities for investigation.
Department of Human Services (DHS) or law enforcement can visit the school at their own discretion to interview staff and/or children. All children, staff and parents are subject to be interviewed.
Steps to reporting abuse/neglect are:
1. Immediately notify the teacher/principal.
2. Call the Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-482-5964
3. Complete a written report.
4. Make special observation of the child and complete further reports as needed.
Hot Springs Adventist School first opened with six pupils in 1909 in a private residence. For the next several years the school continued to operate at various rented locations. In 1920 the church purchased property and built a church at St. Louis and Central streets. The 1921 school year opened with 15 pupils. The school was forced to close during the Great Depression. In 1940, after seven years without a school, seven children enrolled in the school. During the ensuing years the struggling school was closed periodically; however, in 1947 the church built a frame structure to accommodate the growing number of students.
The church building burned in 1955 and relocated to Gardner Street. The school survived the fire and continued to operate at the St. Louis and Central location until 1965 when it moved to the Gardner Street location. In the early 70s the school was moved to a country setting on Sunshine Road and expanded to a 12-grade school. At the end of the 1977-78 school year, the church voted to return to an elementary school. In 1981 the school at the Sunshine location was closed and for the next few years merged with the Bonnerdale Adventist School.
In 1983 the school reopened at the Gardner Street location with 13 pupils, and has remained open since that date. In 1997 the church voted to purchase property on Weston Road and relocate the school and church to accommodate growing numbers. In 1998 the first phase of the building project (a church wing for Sabbath School classes) was completed and the school was operated from that location. At that time, the school board voted to add a preschool program to the growing K-10 enrollment. The 1999-2000 school term signaled a new millennium as students moved into their new school and gymnasium complex.
Step One: Initial Concern Discussed
Step Two: Initial Concern Unresolved
Step Three: School Board Chairman or Superintendent Involved
Step Four: School Board Involved
At no time during a school board meeting may a complaint against a faculty member be presented without first having followed the procedures outlined in the previous steps.
Step Five: Teacher/Principal Problem
It is a primary responsibility of ARKLA SDA schools to provide a safe secure environment for students while they grow physically, mentally, socially and spiritually in the system. The recent incidents of students killing other students and their teachers compel each school to closely examine how threats or abusive behavior by students or adults are dealt with on the local level. It is therefore important to place policy concerning safety in the hands of parents and students at registration, making them aware of procedures should behavior occur which demand extreme measures. The age of the students involved must be taken into consideration for appropriate response to threats or abusive behavior. (Two angry kindergarten students fighting may demand a different response than two 8th graders fighting.)
Students threatening students or adults
Students who threaten other students or adults with criminal behavior will be immediately suspended from school by the head teacher/principal until their behavior has been analyzed by a certified professional counselor or psychologist to determine if it is safe for the student to return to school. The head teacher/principal will notify the school board chairman immediately when the student is suspended. The student and parent must meet with the school board before the student is readmitted to school. The student may be accepted on a probationary basis when returning to school.
Adults threatening students or adults
Adults who threaten students or adults with lawless behavior or who use obscene of abusive language will be asked to leave the school premises immediately, and the incident reported to the local prosecuting attorney for appropriate civil action. It is recommended that this inappropriate behavior is tape-recorded. * Abusive phone conservations should also be recorded* and given to the prosecuting attorney. A written summary of the incident should be made immediately by the teacher/principal and signed by witnesses.
Students intentionally injuring students or adults
Students who intentionally injure another student or adult, with criminal behavior and attitude, will be immediately suspended from school by the head teacher/principal until their behavior has been analyzed by a certified professional counselor or psychologist to determine if it is safe for the student to return to school. The local law enforcement agency will also be notified of the injury. The head teacher/principal will notify the school board chairman immediately when the student is suspended. The student and parent must meet with the school board before the student is readmitted to school. The student will be placed on probation if allowed to return to school.
Adults intentionally injuring students or adults
Adults who intentionally injure a student or adult on school premises will be immediately turned over to the local police or sheriff’s department for appropriate action. A restraining order may be obtained to prevent the adult from reentering the school campus.
*It is recommended that each school and each teacher obtain a phone with speakerphone capabilities and also a small hand held tape recorder to assist in the safety program of the school. Phone conversations that will be recorded must be identified to all parties involved.
Definition of “Abuse” Non-accidental physical injury, mental injury, sexual abuse, or sexual exploitation inflicted on a child (person under 18 years of age.) The term encompasses both acts of commission and omission.
Definition of “Neglect” Failure to provide care and maintenance for the child by those legally responsible is considered neglect. This includes the following support services: a. Medical b. Education c. Surgical d. Other care necessary to the well being of the child.
Purpose of Reports The purpose of reporting child abuse/neglect is to protect the basic interests of the child, to stabilize the home environment, to preserve family life, and to encourage cooperation between the state and family.
Penalty for Failure to Report The penalty for any person, official or institution to report suspected child abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, or exploitation, who willfully fails to do so shall be subject to a $100 fine and up to five days in jail. There is also civil liability for damages caused by the failure.
Reporting Suspected Abuse or Neglect When a teacher or school official has reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been subjected to abuse or neglect, or observes the child being subjected to conditions or circumstances which would be reasonably result in abuse he shall immediately report or cause a report to be made.
A person required to report child abuse or neglect may take photographs of the areas of trauma visible on the child and send them to the appropriate department.
Reports of child abuse or neglect shall be made immediately by telephone to the Department of Human Services, and shall be followed by a written report within 48 hours if requested by the agency.
The investigation of each suspected report shall begin within 72 hours.
If the report involves death, bone fractures, internal injuries, head injuries, burns, sever bruises, or abandonment the investigation will begin within 24 hours.
The report should include:
The names and address of the child and his parents
The child’s age, sex and race
The nature and extent of the abuse or neglect
Evidence of previous abuse or neglect to the child or his siblings
The name and address of the person responsible for the injury, if known
Pertinent family information
The source of the report
The person making the report, his occupation and phone number
Availability of photographs or other evidence
The agency is responsible for the interview and other steps necessary in the investigation.
If initial permission to interview the child is denied, the juvenile court shall order the parents or persons in charge of any place where the child may be to allow entrance for the interview, examination, and investigation.
The order may be stayed (for 72 hours), pending the showing of good cause.
It may be necessary to remove the child from the home if the investigators determine it is necessary to protect the child or children from further abuse or neglect.
When a person or spouse providing care for the child being reported works for the Department of Human Services and is suspected of abuse or neglect, the case will be investigated by the sheriff or chief of police or they will supervise the investigation.
The investigation must be completed in 30 days.
A police officer, a law enforcement officer, or a designated employee of social services may take a child into custody without the consent of the parent or guardian if the person completing the investigation presents an imminent danger to the child’s health or life. Such custody cannot exceed 72 hours, and the juvenile court must decide child-protective proceedings.
Any person, official, or institution participating in good faith in the making of a report, the taking of photographs or the removal of a child shall have immunity from any civil or criminal liability that may result from such actions. For the purpose of civil or criminal proceedings, the good faith of any person required to report cases of child abuse or neglect shall be presumed.
I. Introduction
The purpose of this policy is to protect the best interest of the child when reporting and dealing with child abuse. Child abuse shall be defined as physical, psychological, or sexual abuse of any student by specific act or omission by a parent, guardian, or any person entrusted with the child’s welfare.
II. Notification:
Any teacher or staff who has reasonable cause to suspect or observes child maltreatment should immediately notify the school principal.
The school principal should immediately notify central intake or law enforcement. If the school principal is unavailable the teacher shall notify authorities directly.
The school principal, or teacher may take pictures to support existence and extent of child maltreatment.
III. Investigation
The school will cooperate with authorities investigating alleged maltreatment. The school will provide a private room or area for the investigation.
The school principal or teacher will ask the investigator for proper identification before a student is interviewed.
The school principal or teacher will ask the student if they are comfortable conducting the interview alone with the investigator. If the student is comfortable talking to the investigator alone the investigation will proceed.
If the student is uncomfortable conducting the investigation alone with the investigator, the school principal or teacher will remain with the student during the investigation.
Should the student show symptoms of distress due to the investigation, the school principal or teacher will remain with the student during the interview.
IV. Disclosure
School personnel will keep the investigation confidential. Upon notice from another certified school counselor that the child is now enrolled in their school and requesting information about the child, the principal will forward the appropriate information requested.
School personnel will NOT notify the parents or guardian at any stage of the investigation to most fully protect the child. The department conducting the investigation assumes the responsibility to contact parents or guardian at the appropriate time.
Any personnel willfully failing to make notification of child maltreatment is subject to a class C misdemeanor as prescribed by law. Any personnel disclosing information inappropriately is subject to a class C misdemeanor.
The school personnel will not make judgments about allegations of child maltreatment. The appropriate state authorities will determine if the allegations are founded or unfounded.
Child Custody
A police officer, a law enforcement officer, or a designated employee of social services may take a child into custody without the consent of the parent or guardian if the person completing the investigation presents an imminent danger to the child’s health or life. Such custody cannot exceed 72 hours, and the juvenile court must decide child protective proceedings.
Good Faith Immunity
Any person, official or institution participating in good faith in the making of a report, the taking of photographs or the removal of a child shall have immunity from any civil or criminal liability that may result from such actions. For the purpose of civil or criminal proceedings, the good faith of any person required to report cases of child abuse or neglect shall be presumed.